You are invited to an exclusive five-course wine tasting dinner event at Arlington’s SER Restaurant. At this event, Ervigio Adán Ruiz of Viña Otano and Aurelio Cabestrero of Grapes of Spain will present the award-winning Rioja wines of Viña Otano, a celebrated producer in Rioja, Spain’s acclaimed Rioja Alta sub-region.
Event details:
Date and time: Sunday, October 9th, from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Location: SER Restaurant, 1110 North Glebe Road, Arlington, VA 22201
Cost: $130 per person inclusive. Includes chef-prepared five course dinner, Rioja wines from Viña Otano paired with each course, all taxes, and gratuity.
First Course
Gamba en tempura con vinagreta de naranja y encurtidos
Tempura fried shrimp, orange and pickles vinaigrette
Cucharita de escalivada con queso de cabra
Roasted vegetables with goat cheese
Crema de calabaza, piñones y reducción de balsámico
Pumpkin cream, pine nuts and balsamic vinegar reduction
Wine Pairing: 2021 Viña Otano Rioja Rosé Garnacha
Second Course
Crema de patata asada, pulpo a la parrilla y pimentón de La Vera
Roasted potato cream, grilled octopus and smoked paprika from La Vera
Wine Pairing: 2015 Viña Otano Rioja Blanco Gran Reserva
Third Course
Cazuela de codorniz con guiso de lentejas y jamón
Quail stew with peppers and ham-flavored lentil soup
Wine Pairing: 2015 Viña Otano Rioja Reserva
Fourth Course
Carrilleras de cerdo estofadas, puré de zanahoria, crujiente de tupinambur
Braised pork cheeks, carrots pureé, crispy sunchokes
Wine Pairing: 2015 Viña Otano Gran Reserva
Fifth Course
Quesos Manchego, Idiazabal y Montenebro con sus guarniciones
Manchego, Idiazabal and Montenebro cheeses and their pairings
Wine Pairing: 2009 Viña Otano Graciano Gran Reserva (Magnum)